It took nearly a decade of suffering and ill-health which coincided with a diagnosis of M.E and various autoimmune conditions before I had a powerful realisation. I had found myself in an intense period that I can only describe as a kind of deconstruction of life as I knew it. All of my inner resources were brought to the surface, along with my long-held beliefs, fears and insecurities to be tested. I reached depths I didn't think were possible. It is precisely through this experience that I was able to understand that I was more than what my very convincing self-limiting thoughts and feelings had told me. Any notion of who I believed I was and what I was capable of was shattered, which marked the beginning of a transformational yet profound journey.
Excited and in awe of the way the mind and body were connected, I explored various healing modalities alongside meditation, beginning the process of intense inner exploration. Experiencing many strange but wonderful sensations helped me to realise that I was not the feeling of lethargy in my body and that this symptom was the inevitable consequence of the lifestyle I had been leading for so long. I eventually found my way back to solid ground, exploring and deconstructing the belief systems that had led to my personal crisis. In the process, my body became much stronger and I am no longer struggling against the labels of diseases I had been given almost 15 years ago.
It is this desire to reconnect with the most authentic self and not the patterns of thought that precede us that has been one of the most important elements of my own personal growth. Becoming more self-aware, creating space and time to reconnect through much courageous exploration has been instrumental in my own personal journey, one that has facilitated a deep sense of healing. My own lived experience of the mind - body connection, alongside an appreciation of its power, guided my decision to become a counsellor and later, a transformation coach. This journey began with simple, well considered steps alongside a solid commitment to become more aware of my own internal landscape so that it could become my organic compass. One that continues to help guide my actions and experience a sense of purpose, joy and peace.
It is with hindsight that I can see how my own well-being has been the single most influential force in my life. I have developed an understanding of how I became well again after developing an understanding of how I became unwell. Experiencing a debilitating illness was a catalyst for the changes I needed to make to reclaim my life. This process has revealed to me many personal truths and helped me develop a greater appreciation of the personal power each of us possess and how it can be reclaimed and redirected towards more faithful, conscious and positive outcomes. At the heart of this, is the process of reclaiming the parts that were lost, abandoned or neglected. That resulted in greater self-awareness, mental well-being and an appreciation of my life purpose. This translated into a sense of wellbeing and gratitude for the life that I live. My hope is that I can help guide others along this transformative path, using the skills and insight developed from my own experiences and delivered via online private counselling, psychotherapy and coaching.
Victoria X